Group Protection

Scripture Reading - Acts 27:22-25 KJV

22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.
23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.
25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.

The first lesson on exercising your God given authority we mentioned “Personal Protection” because it is unreasonable to think that you would believe God to protect your “household” if you don’t even believe God to protect you. After that we spoke about “Household Protection” in the since of God watching over those you live with whether blood family members or not. There is always something influential about having direct access to those under your same roof. This especially works well for those who are all saved in the house because since iron sharpens iron each household member has an opportunity to give warning, advice, instruction and/or direction to another household member in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We also discussed that “Family Protection” extended far beyond your home property because God can (and will if given place) protect your children which are first His Children wherever they are at that time. Today we are reaching out even farther to discuss “Group Protection”. When speaking of God’s Will being performed to protect a whole group we (ihlcc) are suggesting that the whole group is submitted to God’s deliverance not just doing whatever they want. In today’s scripture reading we noticed that the Apostle Paul exhorted (encouraged, lifted up) the people in his group to be of Good Cheer because he had a personal revelation of God. The Apostle Paul boldly proclaimed in verse 22, “that there would be no loss of any man’s life”. The man of God spoke the Word of God (God’s Will) over that situation. All the people in that group were instructed to look towards God for divine intervention. Yes, it is always nice and comforting to speak well about getting out of a dangerous (life threatening) situation but it is entirely different to speak as the oracles of God when you have a direct Word from God. Some people will casually say everything is going to be alright in hope of something good happening but that is not what we are talking about because that specific statement in itself has no substance or foundation. However, when you decree that the Lord will save us that has substance because the Name of the Lord is a strong tower that the righteous run into and are safe (saved). Also it points people to God as a sure foundation because many people do believe that God is a solid hope over man’s natural ability. Yes, indeed the Lord Jesus can protect not just one person but all people if they submit to His Will. Notice in verse 24 that the Apostle said, “God has given him all that sailed with him”. This kind gesture by God is solely because He Is Merciful and Loving. We must note that the majority of people on that ship were either convicted criminals under Roman law or awaiting trial for sentencing for being accused of breaking Roman law. The point is these were not idea model citizens of Rome but rather outcast and transgressors. Their only connection to the Apostle Paul was that they shared the same prison space he did on that boat in chains. Notice that because God is so full of life and mercy He chose to keep alive everyone for Paul’s sake which sounds just like why we have life because of Jesus sake. This is why “group protection” is so powerful because if there be found one righteous person in the group that knows their personal benefits (promises, inheritance, blessings, etc…) in Christ Jesus they can claim divine protection for all those that are with him or her. Yes, it is just as easy for God to save 100 people as it would be for Him to save 2 people. The key is not God’s ability but rather are the persons or multitude going to stay faithful to God by obeying His Will (His Word) in believing for “Group Protection” over their own thoughts and/or temptations of thinking that we have no protection. We notice in Acts 27:31 (KJV) that, Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, “Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved.” This basically means unless the people in the group look up to God and respect His plan of salvation as Paul does they cannot be saved. So “group salvation (protection)” is very possible and to one extent definite when the whole group stays under God’s divine protection but if a few (or even just one) decide that they will trust in something else for protection, they might pay a severe penalty for that error in judgment. Yes, God’s Will in this example was for everyone to be saved and they all were. Yes, God even went on further in the next chapter in Acts 28:7-9 to heal people and save others in Paul’s presence. Why, simply because it is God’s Will to protection people whether it is a group or an individual. So be encouraged today and rejoice because the same Lord Jesus protects people whether group, family, household or personal. Just know that you have the authority in the Name of Jesus to claim “group protection” for all those around you when that group needs it as a promise from God. If you have the boldness to believe God for “Group Protection” and all those with you listen and obey God as you do in that moment the whole group shall be protected (saved from danger and harm). All people who follow God’s Leader in peace and calmness over fear and panic shall be rewarded according to God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Not because we (ihlcc) say so but rather Thee Creator of the Whole Universe God Almighty said so. It only stands to reason that the One God who watches over all people can also produce divine “Group Protection” for all those people involved with you according to His Great and Awesome Power in Mercy and Love. Remember it doesn’t matter how well you know them (those in your group) it only matters how well you know God and believe in His Word to protection you and the whole group with you because it is His Will to protect all and save all in the Wonderful Name of Jesus. Amen!